Niko Natsoulas

I'm currently at CU Boulder working as a research assistant in Dr. Schaub's AVS Lab. In tandem, I am pursuing my M.S. in Astrodynamics & Satellite Navigation.

I previously worked at Vast, Varda, SpaceX, Blue Origin and NASA doing GNC Engineering internships.

My passion lies in GNC Engineering and I want to continue helping awesome spacecraft fly.

I'm based in Boulder for school and research. Reach out if you want to chat, download my resume here, or check out my other platforms!


  • Autonomous Vehicle Systems Lab
    Autonomous Vehicle Systems Laboratory Graduate Research Assistantship

    Lab that researches spacecraft dynamics, formation flying, attitude control, and astrodynamics/flight simulation software.

    I support the Basilisk astrodynamics simulation software development.

  • VAST
    VAST GNC Engineering Intern

    Creating the first commercial space station and competing for NASA's CLD contract.

    Developed a ton of GNC flight algorithms and flight simulation software in C++.

  • Varda
    Varda GNC Engineering Intern

    Space Drugs and Weapons technology. Space Cartel???

    Reentry trajectory analysis, state estimation, Flight Safety Analysis, flight simulation software development, ground station tracking tooling.

  • SpaceX
    SpaceX GNC Engineering Intern

    Starlink Collision Avoidance GNC software development.

    Developed a cool conjunction screening algorithm, the rest of the work was data visualization.

  • Blue Origin
    Blue Origin GNC Engineering Intern

    Lunar Mk1 Mission Design for Blue Moon lunar lander.

    Calendar Sweep Automation software for Trajectory Optimization/Generation.

  • NASA
    NASA GNC Engineering Intern

    Attitude Control subsystem design for a massive interplanetary transporter mission design (cough cough Mars).

    6-DOF simulation and analysis tool development for RCS thruster sizing and placement.


Project 1

I worked on the design integration and validation of the Attitude Control System for the Alpha CubeSat.

project report

Project 2

I designed a PID control system for precise espresso brew temperature control and modded out an actual machine.

GitHub Repo project report

Project 3

Wrote this website with HTML, JS, and CSS, and a bit of stealing code here and there. Thanks Matt. GitHub Repo

Project 4

C++ Satellite 6-DOF flight sim and 3-DOF LQR Rendezvous sim.

6DOF GitHub Repo
3DOF LQR Rendezvous GitHub Repo

Project 5

Big and Nasty NASA Matlab 6DOF flight simulation for RCS thruster placement & sizing.

GitHub Repo for my Sim Ascend Paper on Overall Mission Design

Project 6

Implemented Kalman Filter examples from the KF Made Easy book in python.

GitHub Repo